阻燃面料技术 第98页
EN13501-5-2005+A1-2009屋面材料防火测试EN13501-5-2005+A1-2009 Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 5 Classification using data from external fire exposure to roofs testsEN13501-5-2005+A1-2009 建筑制品或建筑构件的防火分级 第5部分:暴露于外部火的屋面试验分级要求.欧洲采...
NT FIRE 006屋顶防火测试
NT FIRE 006屋顶防火测试NT FIRE 006: Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 5 Classification using data from external fire exposure to roofs testsNT FIRE 006: 建筑制品或建筑构件的防火分级,暴露于外部火的屋面试验分级要求。此标准与DD ENV1187标准与BS476-3标准、EN13501-5防火测试比...
BS6853有限期BS6853测试报告的有效期限是许多准备做BS6853测试的厂家及已经做过BS6853测试认证的厂家都比较关心的问题之一。BS6853测试报告及证书的有效期在其报告证书上都有明显的规定。具体请查看BS6853正规的测试报告及证书或咨询中国防火网,我们将为您提供权威的英国BS6853全方面的服务。由于产品的原材料、加工工艺、标准更新等多方面的变化,因此BS6853报告的有效期是有限的。BS6853测试主要项目及标准如下:英国BS6853烟火毒测试项目及标准BS476-6 火焰传播指数测试BS476...
BS 476-21:1987承重材料耐火性測試
BS 476-21:1987承重材料耐火性測試BS 476-21: 1987承重材料耐火性測試BS 476-21: Fire test on building materials and structures-Part 21: Method for Determination of the fire resistance of load bearing elements of construction.BS 476-21: 建築材料和構件的防火測試-第21部分: 承重材料耐火性測試This part, toget...
BS 476-22:1987非承重材料的耐火测试
BS 476-22:1987非承重材料的耐火测试BS 476-22: Fire tests on building materials and structures-Part 22: Method for determination of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of constructionBS 476-22: 对建筑材料和结构的着火试验-第22部分:非承重材料的耐火测试BS 476-22测试方法,样品暴露下高温高压条件下,测试样品在规定时...
BS 5438:1989纺织品可燃性测试
BS 5438:1989纺织品可燃性测试BS 5438: Methods of test for flammability of textile fabrics when subjected to a small igniting flame applied to the face or bottom edge of vertically oriented specimens.BS 5438: 样品垂直放置时,表面或底部边沿以小火焰燃烧,纺织品可燃性测试。BS 5438:1989 Test 2A: face ig...
BS 6853 Annex B.1基于质量的毒性测试
BS 6853 Annex B.1基于质量的毒性测试1. 标准介绍-- BS 6853 Annex B.1基于质量的毒性测试BS6853:1999: Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trainsBS6853: 1999: 载客列车设计与构造防火通用规范BS 6853 Annex B.1基于质量的毒性测试的对象BS 6853 Annex B.1用于车内、车外小区域材料...
BS 6853 Annex B.2基于面积的毒性测试
BS 6853 Annex B.2基于面积的毒性测试1. 标准介绍-- BS 6853 Annex B.2基于面积的毒性测试BS6853:1999: Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trainsBS6853: 1999: 载客列车设计与构造防火通用规范BS 6853 Annex B.2基于面积的毒性测试的对象BS 6853 Annex B.2用于车内、车外表面材料(...
BS 6853 Annex D: 烟密度的测试方法
BS 6853 Annex D: 烟密度的测试方法BS 6853/BS 6853 Annex D: 烟密度的测试方法BS 6853 Annex D: 烟密度的测试方法BS 6853 Annex D: Methods for measuring smoke densityBS 6853 Annex D: 烟密度的测试方法烟密度一般火灾时能见度相关,因为能见度下降会使人们更难以逃离火灾现场。从而增加了烟雾毒性、火焰、热量给人们带来的生命安全风险。对于英国载客列车所用材料有五种不同的测试方法去评判烟雾密度。五种不同的测...
BS7211电缆阻燃防火测试BS 7211:1998 Electric cables-Thermosetting insulated, non-armoured cables for voltages up to and including 450/750V, for electric power, lighting and internal wiring and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when af??fected by fire.BS...