BS 5438:1989纺织品可燃性测试
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BS 5438:1989纺织品可燃性测试
BS 5438:1989纺织品可燃性测试
BS 5438: Methods of test for flammability of textile fabrics when subjected to a small igniting flame applied to the face or bottom edge of vertically oriented specimens.
BS 5438: 样品垂直放置时,表面或底部边沿以小火焰燃烧,纺织品可燃性测试。
BS 5438:1989 Test 2A: face ignition (表面燃烧)
BS 5438:1989 Test 2B: Bottom edge ignition (底部边沿燃烧)
BS 5438:1989 apply the igniting flame for 10s or the flame application time given in the performance specification.
Note: BS 6853:1999 flame time application is 15s.
BS 6853:1999 申请火焰燃烧时间为15s
1. 火焰持续时间
2. 后燃烧持续时间
3. 样品大破坏范围