BS EN ISO 9773塑料防火燃烧性能测试
城南二哥2021-03-15 10:21:41阻燃面料技术653来源:阻燃布料_阻燃面料网
BS EN ISO 9773塑料防火燃烧性能测试
BS EN ISO 9773:1999 Plastics-Determination of burning behavior of thin flexible vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source.
BS EN ISO 9773:1999 塑料.立式软薄试样与小火焰源接触的燃烧性能测定
【摘要】: The project specifies a small-scale laboratory screening procedure for comparing the relative burning behaviour of vertically oriented thin and relatively flexible plastics specimens exposed to low-energy-level flame ignition source. The classification system described is intended for quality control and the preselection of component materials for products.