城南二哥2021-03-15 13:25:12阻燃资讯中心1311来源:阻燃布料_阻燃面料网
Our company adopts special technology”PROBAN” to produce flame retardant fabric.Flame retardant of our company used for this product is a kind of durable flame retardant used for cotton and cotton rich fabrics.It's characterized by durable fireproof property and laundarabiltty(can be washed over 100 times)due to the permanent junction in the interior of fibers through technic process of this fire retardant.The flame resistant fabric can not only prevent the fire spreading effectively,but also keep its original performance.Fireproof protective clothes made of this material are durable against washing,non-poisonous,smell free,safe to human body and comfortable to wear. Tested by authoritative organizations such as MTL, TUV, SGS,etc. it’s flame retardancy can reach the standards of EN531, EN533, EN470-1, 16CFR,NFPA2112,ASTM etc.
Our main kinds of flame retardant fabrics are listed as below:
1. 全棉阻燃面料—该面料是由100%天然纤维“棉”组成,具有棉纤维所具有的透气透湿,穿着舒适,手感柔软等特点。有斜纹,平纹,缎纹等多种规格。
100% cotton FR fabric—Natural composition-cotton fiber is the peculiarity of this fabric.Natural composition provide excellent hygientic properties ,permeability,comfortable to wear,super soft etc.And we can provide fabrics of twill,plain cloth,satin etc.
2. CVC阻燃面料—该面料由60%以上的棉纤维,40%以下的涤纶纤维混纺而成。兼具棉、涤两种纤维的优良特性。具有强力好和更好的抗皱性和耐穿性。
CVC FR fabric—This fabric is a result of more than 60% cotton and less than 40% PE blending in the certain proportion ,So it has excellent properties of both of cotton and polyester, it has better strength and low shrinkage,wearlife lasts longer.
3. C/N阻燃面料—该面料是由88%的棉纤维,12%的尼龙涤纶纤维混纺而成。具有良好的耐磨性,强力更好,手感更柔软等特点。其制成工作服后穿着寿命可延长50%以上。可以更好的防电火花,电弧,金属熔滴等。
C/N FR fabric. 88%/12% cotton/nylon mixture fabrics. It has excellent abrasion resistance better strength,super soft etc.
The wearlife of C/N FR fabric can be extended more than 50% . C/N protective clothing enhanced protection from electrical arc, flash fire,molten etc.
4. 弹力阻燃布—该种面料是由95%的棉纤维和5%的氨纶纤维混纺而成。其除了具有棉纤维的优良特性外,由于添加了氨纶丝,使其具有了弹性,因而制成衣服后穿着更舒适,抗皱性更好。
Elastic FR fabricis a result of cotton and Polyurethane Fiber blending in the proportion of 95%/5%.This fabric have excellent characteristic of cotton,at the same time,because of Polyurethane Fiber,it also have good elasticity.So Elastic FR clothing is more comfortable to wear,and anti-shrinkage
5. 阻燃防静电面料三防布—该种面料除了具有阻燃性能外,由于在织物内部经纬方向织入了具有导电性能的碳丝纤维,因而使其具有了永久的防静电性能,且该两种功能互不干扰,均可达到各自的功能指标,阻燃性能可达到欧盟的EN531,EN533,en470-1,美国的NFPA2112、ASTM F1959等标准。防静电性能可以达到EN1149标准。
FR&anti-static fabric. It has performance of flame retardant,it is also permanent anti-static property because of conductive carbon blended with in the warp and weft.Both of the properties can reach their own standards.Flame retardancy can meet the European standards such as EN533 EN531 EN470-1.American standards NFPA2112,ASTMF1959,anti-static properties can reach the standards of EN1149
6. 阻燃防油防水面料—该面料同时具有阻燃多功能复合面料阻燃、防油、防水三种功能。用该面料制成的防护服具有良好的透气透湿功能,轻便舒适。同时具有遇火难燃离火自熄,沾油而不浸,遇水而不渗的特点。阻燃性能可以达到EN531,EN533,EN470-1,NFPA,ASTM,16CFR等标准。防油防水性能可以达到AATCC118,AATCC22,AATCC130等标准。
Flame retardant&oil-wate proof fabric.This fabric has properties of flame retardant,oil resistant and water proof.Workwear made of this fabric can be permeability, light,comfortable to wear.It is also difficult to burn when meet fire,can stop burning when got away from fire,prevent oil from soaking and water infiltrating flame retardant performance can reach standards of EN533 EN531 EN470-1 NFPA2112,ASTMF1959,16CFR oil&water proof performance can meet the standards of AATCC118,AATCC22,AATCC130 etc.